Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Team Pink!

Team Pink! 20 weeks 4 days

This is a phrase that is used on a chat board I follow to declare whether you are having a boy, a girl or are waiting for a surprise. Team blue for boy and green for surprise. So we are expecting a little girl.

I am thrilled. I always hoped for a little girl, I have a trunk of saved dolls in the hope that I would have someone who would play with them someday. It's funny though I was pretty sure that we were having a boy and became attached to a potential son. Well hopefully we will have one of each!

I am officially half way through my pregnancy and I have to say it is flying by so far. I have had a relatively easy time so far (knock on wood), no major morning sickness and what mostly kicked my butt in the first trimester was the exhaustion. I am now well into my second trimester, what the Dr.'s consider the honeymoon phase of pregnancy. Boy are they right, my energy is back and I am still small enough that I can function mostly normally and still sleep comfortably. Early on I was referred to a specialist because there was a high possibility that I had a hypo thyroid but after many pokes in the arm. They feel pretty certain that it was just a reaction to pregnancy. So except for some follow up lab work I am back to being a completely healthy and normal pregnancy.

I have learned to love the word "normal" during this. The sweetest phrase you can hear at a milestone appointment is everything looks normal and right on track. At 12 weeks we had something called an NT Scan where they look for chromosomal abnormalities. Our results were wonderful, 1 in 8000 chance of Downs and 1 in 10,000 of several other fatal ones. They were wonderful words to hear. We had our anatomy scan last week, which is when we found out the gender, but is actually to measure growth of brain, nervous system and all the other internal organs. Once again everything looks great and "normal"! I think the second half of this pregnancy is going to go even faster than the first. All the fun stuff gets to happen now, showers will be had, names will be picked (although we are going to be keeping it to ourselves for now) and the nursery will be set up.

I will try and be better about updating more regularly too, so that I can remember later what I was feeling and thinking along this amazing journey.


  1. Kirk doesn't like the fruit comparisons either. It's just supposed to be the length that you worry about. So she is currently the length of a banana and getting very close to weighting a whole pound.
