Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Big News!!!!!!

9/28/10 (4 weeks and 5 days)

Today we found out that we are having a baby! I am so thrilled and shocked and terrified all at the same time. We are keeping this news to ourselves for a while but I wanted to keep track of what I am feeling both physically and emotionally.

We decided that we were ready to start trying about 6 weeks ago, we have been thinking long and hard about it for about a year though. Neither one of us were expecting things to happen this quickly however. We will keep that in mind though when we try for a second.

So many of the books you read talk about some women just know. I took that with a huge grain of salt, but I just did. I knew something was different almost right away. Now I am not saying that I knew the moment of conception but I knew about 10 days before my expected period. I took 2 pregnancy tests and they both came back negative. I decided to see if things were late before I would test again.

Saturday the 25th I woke up feeling like I was going to get my period any second. I was surprised how disappointed that I felt, I mean we had just barely started trying. We had already made plans to go to Colorado Springs to visit Charlie and Diane (Kirk's dad and step-mom). I thought this would be a great distraction. I was so convinced in fact of not being pregnant that I had 3 glasses of wine that night with dinner. Then after dinner I got really cold and no one else in the room seemed to feel it. The cold combined with some other unusual symptons I began to really suspect that I actually was pregnant. I somehow made it through the rest of the trip. I decided I wanted to hold off testing for a few more days. I just didn't want to see that negative. I made it through work Monday and Tuesday but went straight to the drugstore after work on Tuesday.

I went home and tested right away! I stood over it and waited thinking it would take the full 2 minutes, but no almost immediately a second line appeared. We decided to use a fancy digital one next but I needed to drink some water first. So after dinner round 2 and unmistakeably "pregnant" appeared in the window.

I am so excited and nervous! I am having a very hard time keeping this to myself at the moment but if something goes wrong then I don't want to have to tell a million people. Plus I am already fantasizing about sonogram pictures on the Christmas card ;)

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Routine... or lack there of

I cannot believe that it has been since April that I have blogged. Every week I have the intention of updating and then I get lazy or life gets in the way. The biggest change in the last six months is my job.

I got a promotion! Wahoo!

How I got it however was not so great and made the whole transition very stressful and draining. My boss was very unexpectedly let go and after some thought by myself and another co-worker we presented a re-organization of the production department. And they went for it. In many ways it is just what I have been hoping for; regular work hours, less nights and weekends, and less lifting heavy things and running around. I was definitely beginning to feel the job after 9 years.

And of course like all things when you actually get what you want it can be a bit of a let down. Now don't get me wrong I am loving the new job and relishing in being challenged again after years of being in the exact same roll. Here is the thing though, I am a creature of habit. Years of wishing for a normal routine meant I didn't notice how much of a routine my crazy schedule had become for me. So yes I now know when I go to work and when I will get home and all of the reasons why I wanted that still apply. I just don't go shopping on Tuesday mornings anymore and my weekend is truly a weekend which I have found makes it harder for me to do all of the chores since I want it to be about the fun stuff.

I know that I will figure it all out and get on track after just a few more months, it's just that the type A person inside of me feels like I am just not on top of it all at the moment. I had taken for granted that fact that because I could my job with my eyes closed, I could spend lots of time on things at home. Now that work is challenging me again I have less motivation at home. I know it's all about the balance and I will find it again.

So hopefully I will get back into the blogging (although the 101 in 1001 maybe totally shot). I have a huge amount of pictures to post.

So here is to the return of routine in my life!