Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Check in!

Well here it is 3 weeks after my last post. I clearly was a little too optimistic when I thought about how often I would post. I have at least been going full steam ahead with my list. I haven't tackled any of the biggies yet, mostly concentrating on the daily ones.

The daily things have been the hardest to accomplish because it means that I have to change my habits. The stretching and the vitamins have been the easiest probably because they make me feel better almost immediately. The sunscreen is hard because I spend most of my day in the dark theater so it just doesn't occur to me. The flossing I just need to do it!

So on to the other stuff; last Sunday I had a lovely brunch with my mom. We ate a local french bistro and sat and chatted for 2 hours while sipping cappuccino, it was divine. We haven't spent that much time just catching up in much too long.

I have been very busy at work but did find sometime to try a new recipe. I wanted something easy, tasty and would hopefully produce a lot of leftovers. I found the answer on my Everyday Italian dvd's that I got for Christmas, garlic and citrus chicken. You take a whole chicken and remove the giblets, stuff it full of garlic and orange and lemon wedges. Cook for a couple of hours and voila! You get this...

It was wonderful! Very tasty, moist and easy! It did take time though mostly just waiting while it cooks.

My next cooking project happened just the other night, the hubs was at work but I decided to make it anyway. It came from the cookbook "The Art of Simple Food" by Alice Waters. The was poached salmon, I have poached salmon before but never just in boiling water like this called for. You take white wine, fresh herbs, and some salt and pepper. Mix that in too boiling water and then throw in the fish for about 6 mins. Supper easy.

It was however only ok. It was very moist but didn't have great flavor. My baked salmon is way better, it did have some variations on the recipe so I will play around with those to see if I can give it more flavor because the cooking time just can't be beat!

One last accomplishment, I finished "Golden Compass" by Phillip Pullman. It is the first of a trilogy called "His Dark Materials"

This came off my bookshelf so I am still sticking with that goal as well. It was pretty good. Its definitely a book for a young readers but I still found it engaging. It is very fantasy based and I love the daemons that represent the human soul. I am well into book 2 already.

Sorry about the really long post. If I can just get into the habit blogging more regularly than I can be better about keeping them shorter.

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